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We like to share our small and big wins with our partners and customers







We like to share our small and big wins with our partners and customers







Proside is part of the Tribunal+ project pilot

Proside, invited by the Ministry of Justice, will be part of the pilot project called Tribunal+ (Court+). This pilot project also includes Cisco System, Microsoft and Samsung participation.

On May 18, 2016, in the Great Hall of the Ministry of Justice, several technological cooperation agreements were signed in the framework of the pilot project Tribunal+ with the presence of the Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem and Secretary of State for Justice, Anabela Pedroso.

Tribunal+ project, covered by the Justiça+Proxima plan, will have it’s pilot phase in Sintra County, and it aims to simplify and streamline the administrative processes and provide a better experience to people who interact with the court.

The Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem, was keen to talk about the state of justice in Portugal and what she pretended with this project:

"The great challenge we face has to do with the organization and the introduction of new technologies, bringing Portuguese justice to the twenty-first century. At the Ministry of Justice the Justiça+Proxima program was created under which we are focusing resources to introduce modernize the system to courts.”

Proside is present with its queue management system, the Platform Proximo®. A system that significantly reduce operating costs, enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of administrative activities, which ultimately translates into more satisfied customers, more informed and with more time for what really matters to them.





For more informations:

See photos at Governo de Portugal
Read the news at Governo de Portugal
Read the news at PCGUIA
Read the news at Exame Informática
Read the news at Sapo TEK


27 May 2016, by Filipa Pereira | Queue Management, ,

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